Monday, June 01, 2009

Two Great Possibilities

As I answered emails this weekend and became more involved with serval new projects, I realized how powerful collaboration can really be in moving education forward.  I am honored to be working with dedicated educators in two new initiatives.  Both are pursuing the goal of supporting educational transformation with technology during these tight budgets and rapid changes.

The first - Maine Netbook Purchasing Consortium
This group was formed to find a cost effective way to move schools into a 1-1 model using Netbooks.  Although searching for solutions that can be afforded during these difficult financial times, this group never wavered in directing their criteria and goals toward educational standards.  The conversations have been exciting and motivating as possibilities became evident.  A bid package went out today.
More information at

The second - Open1to1
This collaboration has grown from an idea proposed by another Open Source advocate.  Open 1-to-1 is a not for profit organization that provides resources and support for schools that want to deploy 1-to-1 computer solutions. Our organization is comprised of school technologists, educators, consultants, vendors, and other parties which collaborate to provide a comprehensive set of solutions and services for the Open 1-to-1 community. The mission of this organization is to make 1-to-1 computing more affordable, and create solutions that further aid in learning and greater opportunities for students and their communities.  I was very pleased to be invited to sit on their board.
More information at

How successful will these grass-root efforts be?  I believe that they can and will be extremely important to the students of my state.  It is educators like my colleagues in these groups that do not see walls but paths of opportunities when faced with difficult times and challenges.

I am proud to be a part of this.
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1 comment:

David Trask said...

very cool Sharon! very cool!