Monday, June 30, 2008

Is NECC flat?

Birds of a Feather in the Blogger Cafe by Julie and Vicki
This is a real issue - over-bearing sound conflicts. Next year they really need to put all these into rooms. They are well attended, but not easy to listen to.

Some notes:
holistic, multi-cultural, trans-discipline
Provide conditions in which students can learn.

Looking for something to read this summer?
"Jousting for the New Generation" by David Loader.

Vicki discussed how completing this project has completely changed their teacher lives.
They now have 3 projects:
The Horizon Project, Digiteen, and a new launch of the Flat Classroom. Just google them for further information.

Interesting - they divided the group into people of similar curricular areas to discuss a guided brainstorming session as a way of showing how true collaboration can work.

The group had a great time working through this - I really give them a lot of credit for handling the chaos and still making valiant collaborative brainstorming.

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