Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Reflections on BAW08

I love my job - I am daily impressed with the work teachers in the district are doing with their students.
Podcasting lessons, recording readings for younger students, working in Moodle, using wikis and webpages and those small daily technology moments that are becoming ubiquitous.
However, I also enjoy expanding my network and contacts outside of the district - and I am bringing some of my colleagues along for the ride, too (more on that later).
One of my favorite groups to work with are the international participants in Electronic Village Online - especially the Webheads. I blogged earlier that this year I was going to be a co-moderator for a week on voice tools. It was GREAT! ambitious, busy, hectic and GREAT! My two co-mods (Ibrahim from and Kat from ) were extremely helpful. Even if Ibrahim had to work around loss of electricity during one of the worst winters his country has endured for years.
I could go on forever, but you must get the idea - here are some of the new (and old) tools that this years group (of nearly 300 educators) experimented with.

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