Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Christa McAuliffe Day 1 - e-Portfolios


Here I am at Christa McAuliffe - Will Richardson gave a resounding Keynote (as usual). This is podcast by Bob Sprankle at BitByBit - check it out.

I am now waiting for a presentation on the Portfolio module of Moodle developed by Matt Oquist . The presenter is Steve Kossakoski, SAU 16 and SPDC of Seacoast Professional Development Center. The wait is not empty, but being filled by a conversation with students on how they learn and what they would like to see their teachers use in the classroom. These interviews are possible via the live stream - thanks Jeff Liebow! of WorldBridges.

Now to the presentation:
This module is a portolio about learning, not just archiving. There is no method for assessing, it is more for students to reflect and use for personal learning. They consulted with Helen Barrett (portfolio expert and great resource) to formulate their system. Integrating this into Moodle can allow both online classes as well as a portfolio.

The portfolio includes a "file cabinet" for storing files. Becomes an online locker - also allows a button click to send it to the portfolio. You can have sub-portfolios (as many as possible). You can send content to subportfolios (it operates as a pointer). This enables one assignment to meet different Learning Result areas. You can also tag a portfolio - by subject for example.

You can submit Moodle assignments, online text - live, or uploaded files. Each artifact has student and teacher reflections.

But wait -- the next version should have student download and burn to CD/DVD - they are also working on a heirarchy of portfolio levels for organization.

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