Tuesday, May 22, 2007

from video to internet TV

I have been playing around with video blogging on my personal site using flash videos, and I have been following postings to TeacherTube by educators around the globe. How can this get any better? How about your own internet TV channel?

Operator11 and MITV (Make Internet TV) are two ways. You can produce your own video and turn it into subscribable (RSS) media with a few clicks. I really like MITV as it takes you step by step through the internet / video process. At the end of the post I will embed their intro video for you to get an idea of their philosophy.

They also have an active WIKI open to anyone to join - if you turn into a real junkie:
  • The MITV Wiki is a library of information about publishing video on the internet.
  • This site is a supplement to the Make Internet TV video producer's guide, which is the best starting point for most topics.
How about a weekly show about your classroom? or a student project a week? this has great potential. Here is the intro video from the MITV site:

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