Monday, October 02, 2006

Rock our World

Themes - global projects.
My Discover Educator newletter this week had a posting about an interesting opportunity for teachers and students. Global projects have been becoming more and more popular for students. Think about becoming part of this one. I checked out the Rock Our World website and found:
1. They have a Moodle site for the participants
2. They have other collaboration projects -- what's for lunch, holidays around the world
3. It is flashy and interesting

Here is the origonal posting:
Rock Our World
You’ve heard about global collaboration in education and perhaps you have even dreamed of how you can make it happen in your class. Well, here’s your opportunity.
[ ]Discovery Education is proud to be giving away free field trips to the sun! Climb aboard as Rock-N-Sol’ prepares to launch classrooms across the globe in one incredible journey to the center of our universe as NASA prepares for Sun Earth Day.
Rock-Our-World is a global collaborative project, created by DEN Member Carol Anne McGuire a teacher in Orange County, California. Her team of teachers, including PA DEN member Anne Reardon are about to embark on their 5th round as they collaborate with Discovery Education, NASA, Apple, SMART Technologies, and Anaheim Public Utilities.

For 12 weeks, students from every continent in 14 different countries will meet virtually via video conferencing and Moodle website. For the 1st time ever, they are inviting you to join them as they soar to new levels. Each week new “Solar” lesson plans, scavenger hunts, and experiments/projects will be posted to the site. Have your class join in the discussions with other students from around the globe and participate in the same activities to see how your experiment results compare to theirs. NASA is even hosting an “Ask a Scientist” discussion thread. It’s your students’ chance to ask questions to the real NASA experts.
Join us in this celebration of the sun and take part in the “Solar” lessons, discussion threads, weekly polls and more visit our online class at To learn more about the Rock Our World Organization and previous rounds please visit


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